Monday, April 5, 2010

Wilco Curse, then Easter

Sorry, I didn't write last week. I was teaching a lifeguard class all day each day and then coaching, so I didn't have a lot of spare time. Good news is, everyone passed...the bad news is, I still wouldn't want some of them to be my lifeguard!

So, I'll start with the week before last's training and work up to today. This post will be a bit long!

The week before last was our "Concert week." We had Wilco tickets on Monday night and G. Love tickets on Thursday night. The last time Christian went to see Wilco, he took our friend James...and even though James went, he had a horrible flu and spent the whole night in the fetal position. We went to swim Monday morning, so we could go straight to the concert Monday night. I left straight from work, came home changed, and Christian picked me up to go to the show. We assumed there was going to be an opening act so it was okay for us to go after I got off work. We assumed wrong. I had been hungry, but didn't have time for a real dinner. I figured we'd just grab something quick on the way home or at the show. I ate an apple and a granola bar. On the way there I started to feel a bit nauseous, but I figured it was just hunger. When we walked in, and smelled all the weed, it made me feel sicker. So I sat in the chair, and just listened. The show was good. After about an hour, Wilco took a break and were going to come out to play another set. I was feeling pretty sick by then, and Christian said he was feeling hungry too, so we left before the second set. On the way home, he offered to stop and get food, but everything sounded horrible to me. We got home and I ate like 3 saltines and drank some gatorade and crawled in bed. Christian drank some protein/milk drink and came to bed soon after. About an hour into the night, I woke up to go potty, thought that would help, and 15 minutes after that, puked my guts out! UGH! It was awful. I spent the rest of the night in and out of the bathroom. Top it off, Christian started throwing up right after me. However, he still thinks it was because of the protein drink, not what I had. Either way, we spent the night sick, and didn't feel great the next day...we both called in sick to work and didn't do either exercise scheduled for the day. By about 4pm, I was able to get in more Saltines and Gatorade...and by 7 or so, I was able to eat. I felt much better about 24 hours later. We decided to test out the Wed. morning track workout to get back on "track." We went and I did the whole run, but I was very slow and just felt SO weak from the day before. But, at least I was back to workouts! I had no idea how guilty I would feel for missing one day of workouts, and its completely understandable when your sick, but I still felt guilty. I probably should've taken Wed. morning off, b/c soon after I caught a cold. I think because my immune system was down...I'm still fighting it off. I don't feel sick, just snotty!

Anyway, Wed. was back on track. We did the morning track workout (3x1000, 3x800), and swam a tough ladder at threshold that night. Thursday was a 1:30 bike with intervals in 53x12, and a 15 minute post bike jog. We went from work Thursday up to Ft. Lauderdale to the G. Love show. Of course G. never starts until after 10:00 pm, but the show was great. It just meant we got home at 1am. Friday was supposed to be a morning 45 minute swim, but it was pouring that morning (which I happily went back to sleep), so that was the 3rd workout of the week we missed. But, did our long run (1:30), and I did a pilates class.

Saturday was our first big brick! (I actually had another weekend off, I love time between seasons). We did a 30 minute ocean swim, hopped on the bike for a 2:30 bike ride all zone 2, and then hopped into our shoes for a 30 minute run. I was a bit worried about the whole thing, but once out there, I felt fine the whole time! That made me feel more confident! On Sunday, we ended the week with a 2 hour bike ride where we did 8 bridge repeats (The only hill in Miami), and an easy 30 minute run later in the day. So with the sickness, I got in: 3 swims (one open water), 3 bikes and 4 runs (one only 15 minutes). Total 13:35 (includes core workouts, and stretching).

Now, this past week. As mentioned, I was teaching a lifeguard class, and class was scheduled from 8-4:00 Monday-Thursday. After each day, my swimmers (who were on spring break) practiced from 3-5 (two hours earlier than usual), so I was typically done early in the evening.

I'll just run through the training for the week. Monday is our typical recovery day. I went straight to teach, then worked with my swimmers, then I had an hour and a half to kill before masters swimming. So, I did an hour of stretching and core/weights. Then did a drill type swim workout, totaling 3500 yards. Tuesday, we went to the morning squad ride. Ride was scheduled for 1:30, but I had to leave at 1:15, to make it to the pool for class. Got done with class and my swimmers, went home and did a 48 minute run.

Wednesday was the track workout. Now keep in mind that so far, my "long" runs have been about 1:30 of which I only cover about 7.5-8 miles (I'm slow). Well this Wed. was 1:30 track workout (6x1200, 4x800, 3x200), and I didn't even make it to the 200s b/c I'm slow. The total workout I did was 8.5 miles! WOW! Boy, I was beat, but I was actually pretty happy with my running on those. Followed up that night with an hour swim, that had 5x400 threshold swims in it! Tough Day!

By Thursday morning (with the early morning workouts, right into teaching, and several HARD workouts in a row), I was BEAT. Went to Thursday morning squad ride and I had told my class we would start at 9:00 instead of 8:00 so I could get the workout in. We did a hard interval set over the 1:30 bike ride...and I was so tired from the previous days, I don't think I gave it my all, but I was out there. We followed that with a 20 minute post-bike run. Good news was that I had Thursday evening completely off!

And with Easter, I had Friday, Saturday, and Sunday completely off! Friday morning, we got up and went to a 30 minute open water swim and since I had the day off, I went straight into my long run of 1:40 easy. It was a beautiful Good Friday, so it was quite an enjoyable run. Sat. morning was a lot like last Sat. We did a 30 minute open water swim, an 2:45 bike ride (about 48 miles), and followed it with a 30 minute run. I figured out we were only about 18.5 miles short of completing a 70.3 this Sat.! Of course, 10 of those miles would be running! Still, made me feel pretty good. And again, I felt pretty good on the whole workout! Starting to gain some confidence.

Finally, on Sunday we did a 2 hour bike ride with 8 bridge repeats to get in our only hill training for Louisville. Came home, actually went to Church!, and started working on Easter dinner. We went and did our 30 minute easy run in the afternoon (which Jack HATED, too hot). Then had the neighbors and a few friends over for a Wonderful Easter dinner out in our courtyard. All in all a great week! Total training: 4 swims (2 open water), 4 bikes, 6 runs (1 only 20 minutes), 1 core and stretching workout. Total time 17:27. And I'm starting to feel like we're just getting started! WHOA! Gonna be a long 5 more months!

Sorry for the long post! Do better next week. I'm hoping its a "Down/recovery" week, and we have an Olympic distance race, Nautica, on Sunday! Wish us luck!

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