Monday, April 19, 2010

Gonna be a long 4 and a half months

Did almost 18 hours of training this week, and we still have a LONG way to go in terms of training time! Its really a little more than four months away, but my long ride is only 1/2 way there, and I know we do at least one ride that's more than the distance; my long run isn't even half way there, and I know we will do at least one 20 mile run, if not a bit more. It's already LONG, HARD training, and there's still a long way to go! I'm scared! This is the first week that I got a bit scared about making it. It wasn't that I didn't do, or couldn't do the training this week, it was just thinking about how long I have to go! And on top of that, it was just the week that I let some of the workouts get to me. You see, Christian and I pretty much, workout at the same time.

We swim at the pool together, or in the ocean together, and that's the one sport, I'm a little better than him at (though he's getting closer). I haven't gotten much faster in my swimming, it pretty much just holds the same. But in the pool, we do the same workout in different lanes. In the ocean, I just swim a bit ahead of him and look for him at the buoys to make sure he's okay.

On the bike, during the week, we are out with the group. We all warm up together, and then break out to do our workouts. Almost everyone in the group is faster than me, including Christian, who's a lot faster than me. But, once we spread out I don't think about it too much. Its when we're trying to ride together on the weekends or easier rides. He is riding in his "easy," and I'm riding in my "easy," and he just keeps pulling further and further in front of me, until he eventually has to loop back and pick me up a few times. The other day, that got to me. I sometimes get annoyed that he's basically biking laps around me. I got annoyed that we workout at the same time, but not together. The thing is, there's nothing I or he can do about it. I don't want him to slow down and ruin his workout or training, and I can't go much faster and stay within my plan. It just sucks sometimes, you know?

On the run, we all know, Christian is MUCH faster than me. Again though, when its a harder run, or the track, its expected. I'm again, one of the slowest in the group. Its on the easier runs, when I let it get to me...when he's just running right in front of me. If I couldn't really see him, it wouldn't matter, I don't think. Its just having him right in front of me. Sometimes I think about some of the other cultures where the women have to walk behind the men, not beside them! That's the thoughts in my mind at that time!

I know, I'm crazy...but I never said I wasn't. I'm neurotic and competitive and it sucks when you are competitive, but there's nothing you can do to make yourself as fast as the other people. Am I getting better? MOST DEFINITELY. Will I ever be a 7:30 miler in a triathlon, like Christian? Doubtful. So, any advice how to get over my mental blocks in training? I mean, I'm not racing Christian, I don't want to race him. I just want to do my own race well...and I know if I can't get the focus right in training, I'm going to have trouble in the race...Help here would be great!

So, what did I do last week:
4 swims: 1 recovery pool swim, 1 harder pool pull workout, 2 ocean swims (40 and 45 minutes).
4 bikes: 1 hard interval, 1 easier ride during the week, 1 LONG ride (3:15 now), 1 bridge workout ride (10 bridge repeats in the wind and RAIN! It sucked!)
6 runs (WOW): 1, 50:00 breakthrough holding z3 for 15 min, 1 REALLY HARD track workout of 12x400s FAST with a 200 rec, 2 brick runs (35 minutes, and 40 minutes after the 3:15 bike), 1 long run (1:40), and 1 easy 30 minute run. NEVER thought I would run so much in a week, and I'm not hating it!
Oh, and one stretch and core strengthening session!

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