Monday, March 22, 2010


What an amazing thing! Christian and I both had BOTH Saturday and Sunday, completely off! It was wonderful! I didn't even have a Saturday morning practice. So we enjoyed it! Saturday we slept in, then cleaned the house a bit, and headed out for a 2:10 bike ride. Easy, enjoyable, sunny, and warm. Followed that up with a 22 minute transition run. No big issues, though we took Jack with us and even though he's been running 45 minutes with us, he hasn't been running in 70ish temps in a while, so he gave up about 15 minutes in and tried to lay down! Boy, he doesn't like heat!

On Sunday, we only had a 30 minute easy run. So we did that in the morning, and went to the Adrienne Arscht center. We found out they have a lottery program. You show up 2.5 hours before a show and put your name in, and they do a random drawing 2 hours before the show, for $25 tickets. RIGHT UP FRONT. And we WON! We got to see the matinee of Wicked in Row C for $50! AWESOME!

Other than that, it was a fairly general week. I missed one swim (open water on Friday, it was just too chilly for diving in the ocean for me!). So, I did 2 swims (one kick butt 4x(5x100 fr) repeats...Sue (my swimming buddy) and I rocked that and worked our butts off! I did 3 bikes (2 at 1:30, 1 at 2:10). One of those was a 4xOnly hill in Miami repeat... BURNED. I was supposed to keep the RPMs up at 80-85 up the hill. I was in the lowest gearing and still couldn't keep it up. I suck on hills. Worries me a bit about Louisville, but I got time. I have a feeling I'm going to get to know that hill ALL TO INTIMATELY!

And finally, did 5 runs (a 45 min easy with strides, an hour track workout, a 1:30 long easy run, a 22 minute brick off the bike, and a 30 min easy run). The track workout was pretty awesome. Christian and I were apparently the only 2 out of like 10 who were doing a 70.3 in the near our workout after the mile warmup and strides...4x2000 @ just slower than 10k pace. OYE! So, everyone was already enjoying their ride home when I finally finished. Christian had to just chill and wait for me! Oh well, I'm getting used to being the last one out there!

So, can't tell you what this week has in store, b/c Coach hasn't updated the workouts yet. I assume maybe 13-14:00 hours, since last week was 12:45? Just a guess. Still feeling pretty good about the whole process so far. Starting to get some aching in the knee joints, especially after the long runs, and sometimes feel a twinge of tendinitis in the shoulder (so no paddles for now), but pretty much injury free (KNOCK ON WOOD). I know its really just getting going into the workouts though, so still nervous about what's in store!

Oh, and the diet, that Coach wants us to, I'm not doing great at that. Probably a BIT better than usual, but not a LOT better. I just love junk! Its definitely my downfall. Need to make it so I only break down one day a week, but haven't made it that far yet! I'll let you know next week!

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