Thursday, April 29, 2010


Looking back over my posts, I realize I'm too wordy and probably not really saying that much...You probably don't want to read that much. Who cares, I ran, I biked, I swam, I ran, I biked, I swam...

So, I have two options, continue to write once a week about my boring totals, and be a little long winded. Or attempt to write a short version daily or every other day with interesting highlights from my workouts. What do you prefer?

Last week wasn't that interesting that I remember. It was better than the week before it, mentally, so that was nice. The long bike was 62 miles. Its the furthest we've gone in quite some time; and it wasn't as bad as I thought. Long run was a little over 9 miles. And I missed one swim last week b/c I had a meet this past weekend. I know, sounds crazy...I missed a swim b/c I was at a swim meet. But when you are there as a coach, the opportunity to swim is just not there. Especially when its a long course meet with only one warmup/down lane. All in all: 6 runs, 4 bikes, and only 2 swims.

This week we got to take our usual recovery day Monday with just an easy swim, but then we did another kind of recovery day on Tuesday (45 min easy bike, 30 min easy swim) b/c we were SUPPOSED to take a running Lactate Threshold test with Coach on Wed. So after sleeping in a bit on Wed. (instead of the track workout), get a call from coach to say that he doesn't have enough strips to test both Christian and I. Basically he was unprepared for something he knew about 2 weeks ago; for something he convinced us to do; for something we're paying him an extra $115/person for! I was pissed! I mean seriously. He had all kinds of excuses, but the main answer is he waited until the last minute and it bit him in the ass! Very unprofessional. First time I've been really disappointed in him. So, needless to say, Christian went to do the test, and I headed over for my track workout in the SUN! Then swam a 1000 for time that night! Whoa! That hurt after the track workout! But did a 13:42 chasing my friend/coworker to keep me pushing! It was 29 seconds faster than last time! Nice. We took it out too fast, but didn't completely crash.

Today a 2 hour ride. Nothing too exciting. Some hard pushes. Hope its going well for all of you! Oh, I have my test next week for my personal training certification. I'm freaking out! Wish me luck!

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