Monday, May 3, 2010

Derby Day

Derby Day is one of my favorite days of the whole year. I love the horse race, I love the events and drama that leads up to the race, I love to have people over wearing big hats and eat GOOD Southern food and just hang out. So, even though schedules are a bit crazy with training and working and trying to study...I decided to have another Derby Party.

Friday morning I had to get up at 4am, and go to work the kids out at morning practice. Once they left, I did my 45 minute swim with some late-coming masters and then got dressed to run. Did a 2 hour run from 8-10am. Came back and its the day we do "Shark Races." Which is like an intersquad meet. So I spent 2 hours getting the meet set up...and finally headed home around 12:30. Basically, that gave me 2 hours at home to eat lunch and clean a bit more. I had gotten maybe half the house clean on Thurs., so I wanted to finish cleaning and get the cupcakes made on Friday. Within that 2 hours, not much got done. Best news about Shark races is free food after the dinner was done! Christian ran down from our house to the pool for his run, so I had a plate ready for him. Went home and spent the evening cleaning and making cupcakes.

We decided to switch our usual Sat (long brick) and Sun (2 hour ride/30 min run) workouts b/c I had morning practice about 45 minutes away on Sat from 7:30-10. We got up at 5:30 and did our 30 min easy run at 6 am. Then I headed to practice. I did some Derby races at the end of practice (5 kids raced in one lane and then jumped to come back in another lane like a track! Very fun!), and headed home. Got home in time for some lunch and to start making some food. Christian had luckily started prepping while I was at practice. I started making the pieces to the cupcakes (supposed to look like horses in the end). We finally left for our 2 hour ride around 1:00-3:00. Got back and had to finish making the rest of the food, the cupcakes, and shower and get dressed by 4:00!

I turned the corner to see that all the pieces to the cupcakes I had made had been EATEN BY JACK! UGH! Christian ran back to the store to get new pieces as I got the Derby pie in the oven, and showered. Once back, I again attempted to make pieces to the cupcakes only to find the chocolate glue was not hardening b/c its too hot in our house! FRUSTRATION! Ran out of time to make homemade biscuits so called a friend to get some pre-made ones. What we did get done before people arrived: Deviled eggs, Ham and pre-made biscuits, corn pudding, fried green tomatoes, and Derby Pie. Our neighbor brought some mac and cheese, and I finally gave up on getting the cupcakes finished (what did get done of the cupcakes did not look like horses, but would've worked great at a bachelor party!). I just couldn't do it all!

Other than that however, it turned out great. We had a great time, with some of the people we actually like here! :) The pool winner won $15! It wasn't me! My horse never left the middle of the pack! Will I do it again next year, wherever we are!? Probably!

Sunday just left us with a 3:30 hour bike ride. Supposed to simulate the 70.3 with some 5x12:00 intervals. OUCH! Into the wind! Double OUCH! Wind is the BANE of my existence! But covered 60 miles in the 3:30 and came back for a Zone 3 brick run! OUCH! But held around 9:30 pace, so not too unhappy! Happy for recovery day today!

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