Tuesday, March 9, 2010

LOVELY drivers in Miami

Boy, aren't recovery weeks great. We had 9 hours of training this week! Most of it was scheduled for the beginning of the week b/c I had a swim meet this weekend, which means I spent over 12 hours per day at the pool on Saturday and Sunday. Got another big meet this weekend, so fitting in the workouts may be hard this week. We'll see.

So, what was the most exciting part about this past week?
Number 1: I did my first 30 minute Time-trial on the bike this week. Apparently, my Anaerobic Threshold is 174. That was tough. I don't think I've pushed that hard for 30 minutes in a race. But, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I basically averaged around 20mph...everyone else appeared to be in the 22 range...so, I guess I'm slow, but I wasn't displeased!

Number 2: Another example of lovely driving in Miami. Christian and I had our long run on Wed. this past week b/c of the swim meet for the weekend. So, we went out running, and actually ran together b/c he was having a hard time keeping his HR down...it was nice to actually hang out together running. Anyway, both of us have a habit that if a car doesn't bother to move over, or slow down for us, we'll give the car a little smack. It often scares the driver enough to hopefully make them move a bit next time. Hopefully, but probably not. It mostly makes us feel better, I guess. So, we're running down the road about 1/2 mile from home, almost done with the run...and we run into a roundabout. A BIG Bubba Truck is coming from the perpendicular corner. He doesn't bother to slow down and let us get through the circle, or move over in the circle, so he basically buzzes us. Therefore, Christian rapped his window as he went by and said "THANKS!" and we keep running. The guy throws the car in REVERSE (AROUND THE CIRCLE) and basically tries to back up OVER US. He rolls the window down and the two girls in the passenger seats (4-door truck), not really the driver, start yelling at us about what the hell do we think we're doing, we need to get on the sidewalk, blah, blah, blah. Seriously, I assume he only backed up because those girls were in the car. Lovely ladies, let me say. So, I'm getting madder by the minute and I'm yelling at them that actually we have the right of way, and they tried to run us over, now twice, and that I'd be happy to call the police. They keep yelling so I smack the mirror on the truck and walk off. The thing about a truck is, they fold in when they get hit. So it did, and the passenger smacked it back out and knocked the plastic piece off of it! HEEHEE! Anyway, as they are yelling at us, this guy in a van has pulled up beside us and stopped b/c he saw what was going on. I borrowed his cell phone and called the cops and they took off. The cop came by our place about 5 minutes after we got home and got our story and said he was going to look for the truck over the course of the day. Of course, we never heard back, but at least the cop was nice...OYE! Seriously, WTF? THAT, right there, is why we are counting down the months in Miami. Nine and a half, btw.

Anyway, other than that, everything else, training-wise was pretty average. I had some shoulder pain while swimming last week, so had to get out of swimming early one night. And no pulling now for a while, but nothing terrible.

Can't wait for you guys to hear all the amazing driver stories over the next 6 months!

1 comment:

  1. PLEASE be careful doing that! Drivers are crazy. My cousin and his wife live in Utah and are avid cyclists. One Friday night, late at night, they were riding home from a party. A delivery van almost backed up into them, so Marty did the same thing- hit the truck to let the driver know they were there. They continued on and the next thing they knew the van was coming full speed at them. Nicki was not hit, but Marty was not only hit, but dragged through the street, up the sidewalk, through an iron fence, before the driver finally backed up off him and took off. They never found the driver. They'd be charged with attempted murder. Marty almost died. His pelvis and bladder were crushed. He lost so much blood, that's what nearly killed him. So, as much as driver's suck- they do have the weapon on the road. I look at it as arguing with someone who has a loaded gun; it's just not worth it. Be safe.
