Monday, March 15, 2010

Last big swim meet for the season!

Well, the season is over! And we get to start all over again, YEA! This week, I don't have a lot interesting to tell you about myself, so I can let you know how hubby did. Coach decided to give me another fairly "lax" week with only a little less than 10 hours of training planned. I did it all, except for a 1200 swim, I never got in. Funny, how I spent all weekend at a pool, but didn't manage to get in a 1200 yard swim. Oh well. I guess let's start with our "Crazy Driver of the Week."

This week's award goes to Old Man in Car:
We were just finishing our long run on Wed. morning. It was 1.5 hours, and this week Christian's HR was a bit more under control, so he was ahead of me. But we jogged in the last 10 minutes or so together and then he had a couple more minutes to go, so he just went around the block. As he got to the end of the road, this old man decided to not only run through a stop sign to get onto a very busy road, but he also almost ran over Christian. So, Christian gave him the Thumbs Up and said "Good Job." What does the guy do?...Does he throw his hands up and say "Ooops, didn't see you?" Or completely ignore him? Or give him a "Sorry" wave?

NOPE. The correct answer is None of the Above.
He rolls his window down and says "F**K You!" Lovely huh!?

Other than that, Christian completed his first triathlon of the season. He did the Miami International Triathlon; an Olympic distance he's done every year since he got here. Its also one I've never done because it always falls the weekend of my big meet! BUT, HE DID GREAT! He thought he PR'd at 2:37, but apparently the first year he did it, his "1.5k" swim took him 20 minutes! So, he had done a 2:35...but we all know, I can't even do a 20 minute open water 1.5k, so may have been a bit short that year! Anyway, he did awesome. As I figured, you can't even tell that he was in Haiti and a bit screwed up with training for a month! He's just an awesome athlete! Congrats Christian!

See you guys next week!

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