Friday, February 19, 2010


So, this won't be one of my regular updates! This is a quick story of a little bit of vindication.

As many of you know, I'm not a big fan of Miami. I mean, I've been here two years, and the best thing about it...being able to train outside year round! It is wonderful...its great to be at an outdoor pool year round (especially when its 40 and windy as its been all week...that really makes you want to get in)...ANYWAY, one of my biggest pet peeves about this place is that even though you CAN train outside year round, most people don't. Hence, Miami being one of the fattest cities in the country...What do they do? They drive everywhere, VERY poorly! And they are NOT nice to people actually trying to work out outside, where it is nice outside. I really thought people were exaggerating when they told me how bad the driving was when we moved here...they were not exaggerating enough! Seriously, its bad.

Anyway, so I was running this morning. I was doing a big circle, so when I hit halfway I started circling back, but it happened to end up on a road that is quite busy and no sidewalks. Why does it have no sidewalks? Because the rich people would not like the sidewalk to ugly up their lawns, so they just tore them up. As I'm running down the road, this truck is coming towards me, and he decides to AIM his truck at me, until he's right on me, and then just stops! So, I "wave hello" in my own little salute, and run by only to see 2 cars back, a COP CAR! He asked what happened, I told him, he said "his ass is mine!" NICE! Its about time! YEA!

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