Sunday, February 21, 2010

Gonna be a long six and a half months

Finished the first full week of training with a coach, and let me tell you, its going to be a long 6.5 months. First, let me say, it was great to have my hubby home, back with me. But he didn't start joining in the torture until this weekend! As we were driving to start our morning bike with a local bike group, he mentioned "its going to be a long six months, getting up this early for long workouts, huh?" UM YEA! Top it off, coach doesn't feel that "days off" are really necessary. He mostly wants frequency and "active recovery," so not a lot to look forward to. He said expect 1 or 2 days PER MONTH off! OUCH...Gonna be a long six months!

Felt pretty good all week, though a bit tired by the end. Did 3 swims, with one great threshold workout, 4 bikes (one Sat. and one Sun.!), and 4 runs. What am I most proud of this week? I had to work a swim meet this week. And though that sounds like nothing much at all, it typically means, I spend ALL DAY at the pool during the weekend. It means I'm exhausted by the time I'm done, mentally and physically...and it typically means, I don't get much workout in!

I worked Friday night, but got my swim and run in in the morning. Saturday, I worked from 7-4! I was BEAT by the end, so I convinced Christian to have the bike ready to go by the time I got home. I knew if I got inside and sat down, the bike ride would not we went right out and got in the 1:30 ride before it got too dark! Then Sunday, my boss decided that he would work the first session, so I luckily didn't have to come in until 10:45a.m., so we got up and went to the tri club bike ride...I got in a 2 hour bike ride, and showered and went straight to the meet. Made it home by 4ish, and again, knew if I sat down, I wouldn't go for our 30 minute run, so we went right out for our run! Why am I proud? I talked myself into doing some workouts that I could so easily talk myself out of! I think that is partly thanks to having HUBBY home! If I say, lets do something, (as I mentioned in my first blog) he helps make it happen! LOVE YOU HUBBY! KEEP IT UP!

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