Monday, February 15, 2010

Getting started

Well, this week was the first week that someone else created my training plan. Worked out okay. Nothing too crazy right now as we are apparently "foundation building" for the next three weeks. What did workouts involve this week:
  • 3 swims - one easy, lazy one, one middle-of-the-road workout, and one 1000yd time trial. Did a 14:17 on the 1000 yds...mostly 1:27 pace. A little slower than I'd like to be, but didn't hate it.
  • 3 bikes. Two of which I did on my trainer b/c I'm a wimp. 1:00, 1:15, and 1:30. The 1:15 I did outside, into the wind. BOY, do I hate wind. Definitely one of the worst things about Miami...but considering everyone else isn't able to train outside b/c there is snow on the ground, I guess I shouldn't complain.
  • 3 runs. 2 at 30 minutes, and 1 at 1:20. Still having a very hard time with easy heart rate runs. I have a hard time convincing myself that I should be running slower than the already VERY slow pace to keep my heart rate down (already about 12:00/mile!). Had a discussion with "coach" and he says slow down, drink more. UGH. That's another annoying thing apparently about Miami...I have to hydrate A LOT MORE than I have had to anywhere else. I just don't know. I don't understand why I just keep getting slower. Everyone keeps saying I'll end up getting faster. I'm beginning to have my doubts.
So, that's it. Nothing too exciting. Did the Miami Red Dress Run as one of my 30 minutes! HEE HEE! I know, hashing shouldn't count, but oh well. Considering how little I go now, I'm gonna count this one! Still haven't made any decisions about whether having a coach is going to be worth it or not. I do already worry that maybe this guy is a little too involved with too many things to give me the attention I would like, for what we are paying him. We'll see.

Best news of the week though! CHRISTIAN IS COMING HOME! YEA! Now he can join in the torture with me. Hopefully he'll be back in his bed by tonight (Monday).

1 comment:

  1. I count hashes as training runs, depending on how hard I ran. I consider them about the same as doing fartleks.
