Sunday, February 7, 2010

Slow Starter

Well, Jess and James make this blogging thing seem so fun, I thought I would give it a try.

Here's how it starts...when Christian and I were getting married we had to go to some marriage counseling sessions with our pastor who was going to marry us. All in all, it was rather uneventful, but one of the things he made us do was to write out a timeline of things we saw happening in our life in the next ten years, then we would show each other at the next meeting. Well, I've been racing triathlons for over 10 years now (on and off) and we had both gotten pretty consistent in them since we met. We had both done at least one Half-Iron and so, me, being not the smartest or fastest, wrote that I would like to complete an Ironman in the next two years. Didn't really think much else about it. However, here's the thing about my husband...he's a write it down, make it happen kind of guy! And next thing I know, we are signed up for IM Louisville, August 29, 2010. YIKES! I'm terrified...but excited.

So, now is the time to get started. We've been fairly consistent in training for a while now. We did the MiamiMan 70.3 in October, and then did the Disney Marathon in January (Christian did the Goofy Challenge, b/c he's crazy) we've been steady running. However, during my MiamiMan focus on running and my marathon, I've managed to do nothing except get SLOWER and SLOWER in running. Frustrating, to say the least. I expected the "get slower before you get fasters" thing, but I didn't know it was going to be 9 months of getting slower and no faster! The only good thing I did during the marathon, was not walk!! But, frustrating when the time was slower than the marathon I did where I walked quite a bit!

So, because we have an IM in August, and I'm sucking at running, and I'm terrified at the whole prospect, and my husband is currently stuck in Haiti for we don't know how much longer...we decided to bite the bullet and hire a Coach. His name is Lee. He owns Bodyzen. He's apparently the most well known in the area. AND I had NO IDEA however HOW EXPENSIVE its going to be! WOW! We'll definitely be broke at the end of this...but I'm hoping it'll mean that I can finish this IM confidently! I should be getting started with him next week (though I am back to regularly swimming and FINALLY got back on the bike this week too)...and Christian plans to start when he gets home (which is hopefully sooner, rather than later)...For now, Christian is running on a treadmill and swimming (sans goggles) in the Embassy pool.

On here, I'll update you on our progress as we go along and hopefully we can figure out how the tortoise can actually beat the hare.

1 comment:

  1. I find it helps to have a blog to keep you motivated to do stuff. If I say I'm going to do something on my blog and I know people have read it, I feel more obligated to do it. Though, sometimes I don't.
