Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Things they don't tell you about IM training

1. Well, I kind of knew this one, but I'm putting it on here anyway...You have NO time. All you do is Workout, Eat, Sleep, Work. And I don't even work a full 40 hour week most of the time. When you do have a bit of time, you really just want to do NOTHING. I don't even want to blog...which is why you haven't heard from me! I knew that I would have no life going into this, but just in case you think "well, I can still have a life, it's just this girl..." WRONG. You will have no life.

2. Being on a bike for that many hours, does bad things to your nether regions! Seriously. And b/c all our workouts are in 90% humidity, its even BETTER! I could get into the gory details, but I'm sure most of you DON'T want to know. If you would like to know, just ask. But pretty much anything you can imagine happening when you spend LOTS of hours in sweat-soaked tight shorts, happens!

3. I had no idea that I could sweat THAT MUCH! Seriously, hubby has actually weighed himself before and after workouts...and has lost 5 POUNDS in sweat! WHAT?! I haven't done it, but I do not glisten, I sweat! A LOT! Its freakin' hot! Why did I sign up for a race in AUGUST?

4. You get SO BURNT OUT! I'm beat. I'm tired. I don't want to do any more long ass workouts...and I got three weeks of them left! I'm mostly counting the days until I can do something besides swim, bike, and run!

5. You are on a constant emotional, physical, and mental roller coaster. At least I am...and with 27 days, I'm really trying to figure out how to get in the right mindset for race day!

Any advice would be appreciated. Hopefully I can post a couple more times in the last few weeks! But, all in all, I'm feeling tired, but VERY fit. And READY and NOT READY at the exact same time!

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