Monday, June 14, 2010

One week from 70.3

Well, we are less than a week away, actually, from competing in the Patriot's Half on Saturday with our best buddies Jess and James. I'm MOST excited about getting out of Miami for a long weekend. Its been RIDICULOUSLY HOT here...I mean its always hot here in the summer...but its been CRAZY hot. I'm ready for even a Hot Mass, b/c it can't be as bad as here! :)

I had a HORRIBLE long run yesterday, and though the heat was part of the reason, my head (as usual) was the most reason. I hope I can get my positive thinking skills and mental toughness skills back on track for Saturday. Mental toughness really is the bane in my existence...some days its just not there. And Sunday was one of those days. Wish me (and everyone else) luck for this Saturday...and if you are mentally tough and can keep a positive mindframe, please send me some of that mojo this way! :) I know my body is ready for this its up to the mind.

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